Can Vinegar Clean Anything and Everything?

Vininger is as close to a miracle cleaner as anything I’ve ever found. But sometimes, people go 
a little far in their expectations of vinegar’s abilities. Believe it or not, there are a few things t
Do Not use Vinegar to clean; 
Carpet Odors- Oftenvinegar is suggested to be used on pet stains on carpet, but it doesn’t work as well as an enzymatic carpet cleaner. Vinegar might mask the odor, but it won’t eliminate the odor.
Unsealed Grout- Grout that hasn’t been sealed or needs to be resealed should not have vinegar used on it. Over time, vinegar can deteriorate the condition of your grout.
Stone Surfaces- Stonesurfaces can be etched and damaged by vinegar. For best results, check with your stone supplier for guidance on vinegar and the best cleaners. Often, all thatis needed is water and a soft cloth to keep your stone looking great.